Media Whore

"I only came here to do two things tonight, drink some beer and kick some ass...Looks like we're almost outta beer."

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Nanny 911

I am absolutely appalled at this show. Here's an idea, why doesn't the Nanny take the parents outside and beat them? Because they really deserve it. They have to be the two DUMBEST people around. And they have reproduced. That really freaks me out. It's too bad they didn't read Mike's post first. They could have spared the world two more tantrum-throwing brats that will only go on to be manipulative teenagers and adults. Oh the joy that Fox spreads.

Buffy/Angel Sightings

Charles Gunn was on CSI:Miami last week. I miss him. They should put him on that show as a permanent cast member. Mmmmm...

Joyce Summers is pushing Advil on me. It freaks me out. Makes me think of the episode where The First makes Dawn see her again. And she is getting eaten by a devil dog thingy. *shiver*