I Wanna Be Cindy-Lou
Hee hee...I am totally biting off her comedic moments. Obviously this is not everything I find funny, but this is a good start:
Saving Silverman:"...what does a mime look like when he's having sex anyway? Probably like...(makes gross gestures) I'm a mime! I'm a mime!"
"Dude, mimes don't talk."
"They do when they're off duty."
Zoolander: "You can dere-lick my balls, Capitan"
"I can dere-lick my own balls."
(This movie is just to funny, and it is so hard to pick just one part!)
Breakfast Club: "...I figured all I needs is a lobotomy and some tights."
"You guys wear tights?"
"I wear the required uniform!"
Austin Powers: At the end when they are in the factory and Austin is driving the cart, trying to turn it around in the hallway and he is inching back and forward. Back and forward, like an inch at a time.
Mallrats:When Brodie takes his tiny espresso cup to the counter and says "Fill this with Coke, no ice!"
Swingers: The scene where they are in the restaurant after Mike meets Lorraine and Sue and Trent are drunk. Trent has some of the best lines ever, including "Fine, I'll ask her, excuse me ma'am? Where do the high school girls hang out?" and "I'm the asshole tonight!"
Drop Dead Gorgeous: When Becky Ann Leeman (Denise Richards) is performing her "talent" and singing on stage and dancing with Jesus on the cross.
Best in Show: When Harlan Pepper is naming all the nuts.
Made: Ricky at the club to the waitress "Here's 50 bucks in case I get drunk and call you a bitch later"
Oh my gosh! I'm getting carried away, I could go on forever! I may have to do a part II!! Must sleep now!